
OPINION2 January 2013

New year. New industry?


The research industry is great – but how would you make it better? Now is the time to deliver your manifesto for change.

Hopefully this message reaches you in time and that you’re still living in that post-New Year bubble filled with promise and potential; the bubble that reality will burst sooner or later.

But don’t let it intrude just yet. I need people who are prepared to think big – to let their “wings take dream”, as George W. Bush once so elegantly put it.

I’m looking for those with powerful, compelling and slightly unhinged visions for how the research industry should be. I want your manifestos for change.

Research is hosting a session at the MRS Annual Conference in which half a dozen of our readers will make their case in person about which bit of the industry they want to fix and how they’d go about doing it.

Time will be tight – you’ll only have a handful of slides and five minutes in which to appeal to voters, so the more outlandish and attention-grabbing the idea the better.

Interested? If so, you’ll need to be free on 20 March to travel to London. You’ll also need to email me a 200-word synopsis of your manifesto for consideration by 16 January.

Brian Tarran


1 Comment

12 years ago

nicely written, retaining the authentic brit humour laced with cynicism. I mean who can resist such hardsell... Looking forward to the event - seems promising

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