OPINION22 July 2016
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OPINION22 July 2016
Research buyers now demand the ability to consume data on demand, derive their own ad-hoc insights and share these via intuitive interfaces with non-analytical audiences. PowerPoint is dead, this is the era of the data product says Frank Hedler.
The death of PowerPoint has been announced countless times throughout the past decade. Yet, we are all still using it as the default office tool to share information. And why wouldn’t we? After all, it feels that the quality of presentations has generally improved in recent years.
Inspired by TED talks, most of us are now using PowerPoint to support our message, instead of reading text from slides. If used sparely, slides are a very powerful means to enhance any speech through the use of associated illustrations or quotes.
But is PowerPoint still adequate to deliver information from data? I don’t think so. PowerPoint was the right tool as long as we followed the old, linear research process: research design, data collection, analysis and reporting.
This process is however completely outdated. Its linearity isn't flexible, and the whole process lacks feedback loops. The quality of output at each stage is determined by the previous stage. There is no responsiveness built in, so that every new or amended business question requires going through some, or all, of the stages again.
What marketers and insight professionals really need today is the ability to easily consume data on demand. They need to be able to derive insights themselves to respond to ad-hoc business questions. And they need to be able to share these insights with others in the business via intuitive interfaces, without the need to create a deck of PowerPoint charts.
In other words, what marketers and insights professionals need are data products, i.e. solutions that satisfy exactly these new needs. And we, from the information and insights industry, need to provide these products to stay relevant.
So what makes a good data product then? I suggest applying the following four principles when creating a data product:
And last but not least: keep it simple. A data product does not need to be the all-conquering, all-encompassing data hub and analytics platform, which would probably need years to develop and be outdated before it has been deployed.
Good data products have a well-defined scope, are built in an agile manner (release as soon as possible, learn, refine) and make intelligent use of existing (often open source) technologies instead of trying to re-invent the wheel.
Frank Hedler is director advanced analytics at Simpson Carpenter