NEWS7 November 2018

YouthSight undergoes restructure

News People UK Youth

UK – GenZ and millennial research agency, YouthSight, has re-modelled its business into two divisions – Insight and Panel and Data Services – and reorganised senior management.

Tatenda Musesengwa

Having enjoyed two years of strong growth, the restructure is designed to better serve its clients.

There has been an accompanying change in senior positions – Josephine Hansom, previously director of youth research, is now managing director of the Insight business.

Tatenda Musesengwa (pictured), formerly client services director, is now managing director of the Panel and Data Services business. 

Company founder Ben Marks has become CEO and will focus his attentions on growth and new business opportunities. 

He said: “Although we’ve done well recently – we’ve enjoyed over 20% annual growth for the past two years – there’s always been a small amount of a confusion as to whether we’re a panel or an insight consultancy.  Well, the answer is, we’ve always been both. We hope this restructure makes this clearer and easier to understand for current and prospective clients. And, importantly, more efficient for us to operate, too.” 

Under the new structure, YouthSight’s research consultancy services will be available through the Insight division. Its youth research panel of 150,000 active members and fieldwork services – both qualitative and quantitative – together with a suite of data services, will be managed through the Panel and Data Services division.