NEWS22 March 2013

The 2013 Ginny Valentine Award winners announced

North America People

US — The winners of the 2013 Ginny Valentine Awards have been announced.

Hosted by The Green Book and the Research Liberation Front, the awards were named after Ginny Valentine, a UK based semiotician and researcher who died in 2010, after a distinguished career in which she challenged traditional market research and evangelized for the adoption of new thinking to improve the discipline.

The 8 award winners for the 2013 Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage Award were: 

  • Kristin Luck, (pictured) Decipher, (US), for Fearlessly Advocating Gender Equality
  • Stan Sthanunathan,Coca-Cola, (US), for Leading by Principle
  • Batool Batalvi, SB&B Marketing Research, (Pakistan and Canada), for Raw Bravery for the Greater Good
  • Kyle Nel, Lowe’s Home Improvement, (US), for Taking Action
  • John Kearon, BrainJuicer, (UK), for Waking up the Industry
  • Manish Makhijani, Unilever, (UK), or Grace under Fire
  • Catalina Meija and Yanhaas, (Colombia), for Giving a Voice to the People
  • Tom HC Anderson, Anderson Analytics, (US), for Networking and Rabble Rousing