NEWS16 October 2020

Simon Redlich named president of IFABC

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UK – Simon Redlich, chief executive of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) has been elected as global president of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Certification (IFABC).

Simon redlich ABC_crop

IFABC acts as a forum for bureaux members from 27 countries to share knowledge and develop joint approaches.

Redlich will hold the position of president for the next two years. His appointment was announced at the federation’s general assembly, held by video conference on 9th October.

Delegates representing the member audit bureaux voted on the IFABC presidency and executive board.

Redlich said: “I look forward to setting a clear agenda and working with my fellow members to support transparency and accountability in media through IFABC and its member organisations over the next two years.”