NEWS23 November 2015

Shoppers ‘holding back’ for Black Friday

News Retail UK

UK — Research indicates that retailers are suffering in the weeks leading up to discount shopping day Black Friday as shoppers hold back on purchases.


According to eDigitalResearch, 64% of potential Black Friday shoppers are holding back on purchases – representing 27% of all consumers.

Other sources have already suggested that 41% of UK shoppers intend to make purchases on Black Friday, which this year falls on Friday November 27. According to eDigitalResearch, in September only 30% of consumers anticipated making a Black Friday purchase.

Data from an ICM poll suggested that Amazon would be the biggest retailer on the day, with 75% of those intending to make a purchase saying they would buy from the online shop.

“There’s been a lot of talk around Black Friday this year in the retail industry – but good or bad, Black Friday is going to happen,” said Steve Brockway, managing director at eDigitalResearch. “As the day draws closer, it seems more and more shoppers planning to shop are holding back on planned purchases – which could help explain the softer sales that UK retailers have experienced this autumn.”