NEWS17 December 2014

Quirkos launches qual software

News UK

UK — Edinburgh-based Quirkos has released a software package to help researchers understand qualitative text data.

The company said it allows users to code, retrieve and manage large text-based data sources with the interface based around live visualisations of the themes that grow as researchers work with them giving immediate feedback into the emerging findings.

The software works across platforms, with support for Windows, Mac and Android tablets, using a unique common interface. Researchers can take their work on-the-go, code on a tablet, and do power work back at the office with mouse and keyboard quick coding shortcuts.

The interface is simple; presenting the data as an interactive bubble graph, clients can explore transcribed comments from focus groups or interviews themselves, looking at particular themes, or use side-by-side demographic comparisons. Traditional static reports and exports to other packages, including Word, Excel and other qualitative software (CAQDAS) packages are also possible.