NEWS8 July 2016
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NEWS8 July 2016
UK – With four weeks until the start of the Olympics, marketers need to ready themselves for second-screening according to a new report from RadiumOne.
Nearly two thirds ( 64%) of Britons who'll be watching the Olympics on TV will simultaneously second-screen on a mobile device with just over half ( 53%) indulging in non-Olympics related activity.
Almost a third ( 31%) said they would be on chat/instant messaging talking about the event they are watching. Thirty per cent said they would be searching online for event-related information.
And the Olympics is a more home-orientated event than other international sporting events – 97% of Olympic TV viewers will watch it at home, compared with 58% for the Euro 2016 football championship.
Craig Tuck, RadiumOne’s UK managing director, said: "The large amount of second-screening enables sponsors and other advertisers looking to get in on the act to target viewers with a similar profile to the TV audience online during broadcasts, which they can’t do on TV as it’s on the BBC.”
He said that the moments that matter most for connecting online and TV activity are the most popular Olympic broadcasts – the opening (watched by 71% of Olympic TV viewers) and closing ( 60%) ceremonies and the BBC highlights shows ( 56%).