NEWS30 September 2016

Nielsen adds PPM to local TV measurement

Media News North America

US – Nielsen has announced it will incorporate its Portable People Meter (PPM) to enhance its total audience coverage for local TV ratings. 

TV remote in front of blurred television

The addition of the PPM panellists will double the sample size to give more precise measurement of local viewing behaviour.

Nielsen will begin to introduce PPM measurement for in-home and out-of-home viewing in 2017.

PPM is currently used today for its audio measurement service. With this announcement local TV ratings will now include viewing from more than 75,000 PPM panellists across 44 local TV markets.

Megan Clarken, president, Nielsen Product Leadership, said: “Nielsen is maximising the strengths of various data sets, including PPM data and Return Path Data, to help our local clients understand their total audience by capturing all sources of viewing.

“The media industry is in the midst of an important transition and people have endless options for viewing their favourite content.”