NEWS4 February 2011

Mumsnet members tapped to answer Innocent questions

New business UK

UK— Smoothie makers Innocent are recruiting and launching an insight panel through a partnership with the influential parenting website Mumsnet.

The call for participants went out yesterday on the website’s forum, with Innocent recruiting specifically for parents of children aged between four and nine years-old.

According to the site, “Panellists will be asked to take part in up to five projects over the course of the next year – not everyone will do all five projects but some will. Activities will include looking at marketing and advertising materials, helping with a recipe book, and testing products.”

Projects will take place mostly within the home, with feedback being offered via Mumsnet. Children may also be invited to take part in some aspects of the research.

Mumsnet readers interested in taking part have been asked to fill in a SurveyMonkey questionnaire as the first stage in the recruitment process.