NEWS15 February 2017

Mobile video ethnography agency RealLife Research launches

Innovations New business News North America

US – RealLife Research has been founded by qualitative research veteran, Frank Hines, specialising in video mobile ethnographic research.

The agency has developed a proprietary consumer-generated video ethnography method called Vidnography.

Hines, developer of Vidnography and president of RealLife Research, said: “Technological advances in smartphones and digital recorders have made it possible for researchers to have extended, real-life involvement in consumers’ lives – to live unobtrusively with our customers at home, work, or on-the-go. This level of intimacy simply isn’t possible with other qualitative research approaches, and delivers insights you can’t get any other way.”

Among its other qual research services are video surveys and diaries; market immersions and shop-alongs; online focus groups; and exploratory labs and interactive focus groups.