NEWS9 May 2024

Livepanel launches synthetic data-based platform

AI Data analytics Innovations Latin America News

ARGENTINA – Mobile panel and synthetic data firm Livepanel has launched a synthetic survey data generation tool.

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The tool, called N-Infinite, is a standalone software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that uses machine learning algorithms to predict survey responses using a combination of live survey data and past profiling data from panellists.

N-Infinite does not rely on generation artificial intelligence, according to Livepanel, and instead relies on data science and data engineering for its data modelling.

Co-founder and chief technology officer Leonardo Valente said: “Since 2017, we have been continuously building and developing our technology to solve for several challenges we experience in the Latin American markets, from quota fulfilment and incomplete datasets through to panel churn and poor data quality.

“We are proud to have released this technology as a standalone SaaS platform, allowing other clients to also experience the benefits that we have had for the past five years.”