NEWS25 February 2014

Krea rolls out Indian oncology panel

Asia Pacific Healthcare

INDIA — Fieldwork firm Krea has launched an oncology panel, called ONCO+.

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The panel currently consists of 3,000 oncologists segmented by speciality, 150 “key opinion leaders”, and a validated base of cancer hospitals and clinics. Krea says that patients, caregivers and nurses are being added to the ONCO+ initiative.

It’s current focus is on lung, oral and stomach cancers for men, and breast, cervical and stomach cancer for women.

“There is a need for including all stakeholders when conducting healthcare research,” said Pravin Shekar (pictured), kreator-in-chief of Krea. “We are seeing a growing need to go deeper in the oncology space.”



11 years ago

Way to go Pravin. Fully agree with the 'depth' mindset.

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11 years ago

Congrats Pravin and miles to go in Indian HC sphere!!!

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11 years ago

Way to go Pravin.

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