NEWS2 November 2010

IMRB unveils web measurement service for Indian market

Asia Pacific Technology

INDIA— WPP-owned research agency IMRB International has developed an online audience measurement system that uses “custom-built” metering technology to track the sites that panel members visit.

According to local news reports the Web Audience Measurement (WAM) system has launched with a sample size of 21,000 Indian households, covering 90,000 individuals.

Data is reported at day or part-day level, IMRB said, and the new meters are compatible with multiple internet browsers, including all versions of Internet Explorer and Chrome.

IMRB said that the meters are capable of capturing usage data from multiple computers used by individual panellists. In instances where shared computers are used, only panellist-specific usage data will be collected – the web browsing history of non-panellists using the same machine will be ignored, says IMRB.

Company president Thomas Puliyel (pictured) said: “Now we can say that we are truly in the age of the internet. With WAM we can fully realise the potential of the internet as an advertising and marketing medium. We will be able to measure the effectiveness of the medium in terms of reach and frequency, just like any other medium.”