NEWS22 September 2023

IAB Europe elects new chair and committee members

Europe News People

BELGIUM – European digital marketing and advertising representative body IAB Europe has elected Thomas Duhr as chair and named new members of its executive committee.


Duhr is member of the board of Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW), and Bethan Crockett, legal counsel at GroupM, has been chosen as vice-chair.

Jon Mew, chief executive at IAB UK, was appointed treasurer.

The rest of the executive committee members appointed are Thomas Mendrina, senior director partner sales CEEMEA at Microsoft, Pierre Devoize, deputy chief executive officer at IAB France, Reyes Justribo, chief executive officer at IAB Spain, and Marianne Bugge-Zederkof, deputy chief executive officer at Danske Medier.

Townsend Feehan, chief executive officer at IAB Europe, said: “It is hard to imagine a more interesting time for a trade association than the present, as governments in Europe and beyond seek new ways to engage with industry to understand the world around them and the implications for their citizens, and make policy choices.

“IAB Europe is lucky to have a board and executive committee that combine the vision, energy, and sense of responsibility that this one does to lead that engagement.”