NEWS10 August 2022

Forsta acquires innovation platform HelloIgnite

M&A News North America

US – Market research, customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) technology company Forsta has acquired HelloIgnite, a collaboration platform that enables companies to collect, share and manage employee ideas to improve CX.

Jigsaw puzzle

HelloIgnite works with clients in consumer packaged goods, finance, healthcare and marketing to foster innovation and identify opportunities for company growth, organised through a centralised technology platform that works across hybrid workplaces and time zones.

Forsta, which has offices and talent hubs across North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, uses HelloIgnite’s approach to boost innovation within its own teams.

HelloIgnite’s technology allows organisations to strengthen their CX and EX processes by using employee feedback on customer relationships, and market research agencies can also benefit from HelloIgnite’s services as a way to collect feedback from consumers.

“As active users of HelloIgnite’s crowdsourcing technology, we’re no strangers to the impact that great ideas stemming from employees across all teams and levels within the organisation can have on day-to-day business operations,” commented Forsta chief executive Kyle Ferguson.

“Now, we can seamlessly integrate crowdsourcing tech for our enterprise CX, EX and market research firms globally. By tapping into crowdsourced insights and ideas, current and future Forsta customers will gain new perspectives and valuable thinking on ways to improve the human experiences of their audiences.”

HelloIgnite chief executive Joel Morris added: “We pride ourselves on transforming the ‘idea to initiative’ process for companies of all sizes, and we’ve seen the impact that this can have on a business’s success.

“We’re excited to join Forsta, so that we can seamlessly integrate our solution into the company’s innovative, comprehensive human experience platform.”