NEWS22 June 2021

Dentsu Australia forms single CX department

Asia Pacific Media New business News

AUSTRALIA – Marketing agency Dentsu Australia has brought its data and digital transformation and customer experience (CX) work together into a single CX department under the branding of Denstu’s CX offshoot Merkle.

Survey satisfaction abstract image

Merkle already operates in Australia, and the new arrangement will mean Dentsu’s Isobar CX practice will form part of Merkle.

Isobar’s creative team will also join Dentsu’s creative agency BWM and create a combined brand BWM Isobar.

Angela Tangas, chief executive of Dentsu Australia and New Zealand, said: “We need to have our people and capabilities in the right place to deliver meaningful progress and outcomes for our clients to ensure there is no disconnect between what their brands promise and what a customer, community or employee experiences.”