NEWS10 June 2015

Dalia Research secures seven-figure seed round

Europe Financials

GERMANY — Berlin-based mobile survey startup Dalia Research has closed a seven-figure seed round.


The funding was led by venture capital firm Wellington Partners and the IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft (IBB-Bet). Existing angel investors, including WestTech Ventures, also participated in the round.

Dalia develops real-time targeting and profiling solutions for mobile market and opinion research. It will use the funding to expand its data science and engineering team and to increase its reach in emerging economies.

“We’re excited to have strong partners on board to scale our technology,” said Nico Jaspers (pictured centre), CEO of Dalia. “The rapid spread of smartphones is a game-changer in how opinion and consumer insights are generated. We want to lead this shift around the world.”


1 Comment

10 years ago

Dalia's website described sampling methodology used in this way: (1) "We developed a technology to do stratified random sampling through mobile devices ..." (2) "For this experiment, we conducted 500 randomised interviews targeted at a younger population..." ----------------------------------------------------- Questions: 1) What was the sampling frame used to select sample? 2) What is the inferential population of Dalia's samples? Making generalisations outside sampling frame would require flights of imagination.

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