NEWS12 May 2014

Cello Health Insight targets ‘in the moment’ data with new mobile apps

Healthcare Technology UK

UK — Cello Health Insight has announced the launch of two mobile apps to enable ‘in the moment’ data collection.

The two apps: eVillage and Cello Health are designed to gather insight from patients, healthcare professionals, payors and pharmaceutical sales reps.

The eVillage app builds on Cello Health Insight’s community platform of the same name, enabling the collection of qualitative data via discussion forums, quick polls and private diaries.

The Cello Health app, developed alongside Lumi, enables collection of quantitative measures alongside capturing rich media and recording geo-location data if needed.

“As people increasingly move their online interactions via apps, the ability to provide feedback on their phone or tablet, without having to go and find a computer, switch it on and log on, will mean that such mobile apps will become an integral part of healthcare research,” said Dave Bostock, Cello Health Insight’s director of digital innovation. 

“The launch of these two apps will start to make this a reality in our field.”