FEATURE13 March 2017

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Features Impact Technology

Social media has not only been identified as a cause of stress, but as a tool for diagnosing it. What’s more, an algorithm has been created that allows computers to offer emotional support. Are computers the new counsellors? By Bronwen Morgan


Millennials ( 18- to 34-year-olds) are 16% more narcissistic than any other group of adult consumers. That is according to a recent study by digital agency SYZYGY, which identified a link between narcissistic behaviour and time spent on social media.

A separate study, by The American Psychological Association, has also singled out millennials as the most stressed-out generation, a finding that has also been linked to the fact that the vast majority feel constantly exposed by social media.

More specifically, this has been tied to the idea that we curate our online lives to hide aspects of our personality that we don’t like, and enhance those that we do. 

And according to yet another study, this behaviour carries an emotional and mental toll; researchers at the University of Tasmania asked people (aged between 18 and 55 ) to complete a personality assessment – once as their true self, and once as the self that they present on Facebook (Facebook ...