FEATURE7 February 2024

Navigating AI regulation: the EU vs the UK

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There is large disparity and divergence in how the UK and the EU are regulating artificial intelligence. Kaleke Kolawole, policy manager at MRS, reviews the differences between the UK and the EU’s approach to regulation.

haunting black and white image of a cybernetic eye

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology,  transforming industries at a significant scale,  automating repetitive tasks, and improving efficiency and decision-making. With the advancement of AI, the regulatory and legislative landscapes have quickly adapted to appropriately respond to the market and produce frameworks and standards for ensuring civil rights, ethical practices, and fostering innovation.

There are two notable approaches to date: the European Union’s AI Act and the UK’s ‘pro-innovation’ approach (this document will not be implemented on a statutory footing initially, but the government anticipates introducing a statutory duty on regulators, requiring them to have due regard to the principles).

So, what are the key differences between the documents, and what are the implications for market research?

The EU approach

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act is a comprehensive and ambitious framework introduced by the European Union. The act is the first of its kind in Europe and the first AI legislation in the world.

The objective of the rules is to ensure ...