FEATURE7 July 2023

Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) – research hero

Features People

The Market Research Society launched the Research Heroes programme to celebrate the sector’s unsung heroes. The peer researchers from LPAC have joined the cadre of Research Heroes 2023.


Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) 

LPAC is a team of peer researchers, supported by High Trees staff as part of the national Peer Action Collective (PAC) programme. 15 peer researchers with lived experience of youth violence went into their communities to conduct research on the causes and impacts that violence can have on their local community in Lambeth. 

LPAC was nominated because their work "provides an evidence base that was previously lacking on young people’s experience of violence that can now be used across the community and has been presented to local MPs and funders along with a range of other community partners.

"They did not stop at research. They have been exemplary in ensuring their research does not sit on a shelf, working for change beyond their funded period because of the deep need for these insights and recommendations for change to be actioned."

The members of LPAC said: "We are Emmanuel, Annais, Legion, Aaliyah, Shueib, Jhemar, Abi, Daryl, and Sabrina – a collective of young adults working to create a future free from violence in Lambeth. When we see friends and family get caught up in dangerous things because of their postcode, we can’t stand aside.

"Many of us grew up in areas affected by violence, and joining LPAC was a chance to find solutions to issues we cared deeply about. We challenge traditional research approaches, demonstrating the impact and quality of community research, social action, and youth-led approaches. Our experiences make us who we are, as football coaches, rappers, social researchers, mothers, and mentors, and they allow us to connect on a real level with the young people we speak to. Finding answers helps the next generation to flourish and be free in their youth."

The Peer Action Collective (PAC) is funded by the Youth Endowment Fund, the #iwill Fund (a joint investment between The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport) and the Co-op to help put young people in the lead to create safer, fairer communities.