FEATURE7 July 2023

Emma Beech – research hero

Features People

The Market Research Society launched the Research Heroes programme to celebrate the sector’s unsung heroes. Emma Beech has joined the cadre of Research Heroes 2023.


Emma Beech, SVP Group Operations, Verve

Emma, currently heading up Verve’s Operations team, has over 30 years’ experience as market research operational professional.  During her career Emma has led teams (ranging from 5 people to 250 ) for Research International, ORC, TNS, Research Now and Lightspeed-GMI. She specialises in driving efficiency and organisational structure to deliver a high-quality client experience.

Emma was nominated because "her inspirational leadership, expertise for strategic planning, and passion for quality – delivered tirelessly within a business of pace, growth and change – makes her worthy of MRS Research Hero status."

What is the biggest challenge you have faced during your career?

There have been many challenges I have faced across my 30 years, from merging companies to the changing methods of research, but most recently has been the continuation of successfully managing business operations during the pandemic and thereafter.  Having teams move from office to home, ensuring quality and growth (both of which we did fantastically at Verve) was a test for all involved, but thankfully one we came out of stronger.

What will be the next big trend or development in the research industry, and why? 

The world has, and will continue to, talk about AI and for us as an industry, it’s going to be so important to understand and implement the benefits whilst facing into the challenges there will be – ones I know we can and will overcome.  The world and its consumers are moving faster than ever with change, and it’s up to us to keep up and continue to deliver exceptional insights for confident business decisions – something more critical than ever right now.

Who inspires you as a researcher? 

This is a particularly tough one to answer as I am always inspired by those around me.  Whether it’s new members to the industry bringing fresh thinking or experienced team members with their wisdom and innovative ideas – I admire so many people I work with.  If I had to name just one person though, I would say Bogdan Bucur, a Director here at Verve. His knowledge, ability for self-learning, his leadership and his good humour never fails to inspire me! 

View the full list of Research Heroes 2023