FEATURE7 July 2023

Bri McIntosh – research hero

Features People

The Market Research Society launched the Research Heroes programme to celebrate the sector’s unsung heroes. Bri McIntosh has joined the cadre of Research Heroes 2023.


Bri McIntosh, Research Director, Human8

Bri is a qual specialist and a strong advocate for participant closeness methodologies. Bri co-heads the Human8 Financial Services Town Hall, a global forum to stay ahead of sector trends. Bri also established and leads Proud, the Human8 LGBTQIA+ network.

Bri was nominated because "he is a driving force in improving DE&I at Human8. He makes a difference through creativity, intelligence, sensitivity and sheer determination. Bri has a particular interest in the LGBTQIA+ community but his influence stretches beyond, setting an example of how to approach tricky and complex issues with an empathetic and open mind."

What is the biggest challenge you have faced during your career?

Being honest, it has been finding the right balance to protect my mental health and recognising that its only when you face your gremlins head on that it gives you the best chance of taming them.

What will be the next big trend or development in the research industry, and why?   

This is where I should say AI, isn’t it? However, I also think we’ll see a corresponding demand for genuinely authentic human-centric research that embraces, rather than minimises, the contradictions, inconsistencies and emotive decision-making that is an integral part of what being human means.

Who inspires you as a researcher?  

I've been in research for a long time, and there are so many people I can name-check here!  However, if I need to pick one then it would be my mentor Timo Vandemaele. He has given me two pieces of advice that have genuinely transformed my career and for that I will be forever grateful.

View the full list of Research Heroes 2023