NEWS4 May 2021

Criteo launches contextual advertising tool

AI Data analytics Innovations New business News North America

US – Advertising technology firm Criteo has released a tool to help marketers measure incremental revenue without the use of third-party cookies.

Criteo’s contextual advertising tool uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyse web pages, images and video and compare this information to a range of first-party commerce data.

The tool works by analysing purchases from existing consumers of a brand, and then identify publisher URLs and contextual categories that have the highest affinities with these consumers.

Criteo’s tool will also offer consumers product recommendations based on cookie-free contextual signals.

The tool will initially be released in a handful of countries, including the US, UK, Germany and France, with a general release scheduled for later this year.

Todd Parsons, chief product officer at Criteo, said: “As third-party cookies phase-out and data privacy is top-of-mind for consumers, marketers are looking for new ways to continue to reach the right audience efficiently in brand-safe environments.”