NEWS4 June 2020

Specsavers head of insight departs

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UK – Eddie O’Brien, head of customer insight and UK local marketing at Specsavers, has left the company to launch insight network Destination 5.0 and has joined research consultancy Market Measures as a non-executive director.

O’Brien joined Specsavers in 2017 to set up and lead a new marketing insight function. Prior to Specsavers, he was vice-president of insight at Barclays and he has also held roles at Western Union and Bauer Media.

Destination 5.0 is a network of consultants offering interim insight management and various qualitative and quantitative services, marketing effectiveness and user experience research.

The network currently includes Market Measures and User Vision.

O’Brien said: “Despite cutbacks across many areas, business will be looking to innovate. Operating models and propositions will need re-engineering. Smaller corporates that didn’t have a data and digital transformation strategy in place will be scrambling to become fitter for the future.”     

John Gurd, owner and managing director of Market Measures, said: “Eddie brings a wealth of experience working both agency and client-side, and shares my belief that insight is more important now than ever. With Eddie on board and our involvement in Destination 5.0, we’re focused on emerging from the current global uncertainty better and stronger.”

Specsavers has not yet appointed a replacement for O’Brien.