OPINION19 February 2018

Winners and losers

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In her latest column, Lorna Tilbian reviews Scott Galloway's The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, reflecting on who the Big Four’s winners and losers will be. 

In marketing academic Scott Galloway’s latest book, The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, he posits the view that the Big Four have amassed “unprecedented power” and that analysts are now “marinating in data”. In stock-market terms, the market capitalisations of these tech giants represent the biggest transfer of value – from established businesses to new entrants – in the history of the stock market. 

Scott says “Google is God”, and notes that one in six questions asked of it has never been asked before. It uses the information it finds to take intelligence to the next level. Google updates itself immediately, and the more people use it, the better it gets for everyone. Revenues are growing, but the cost per click is going down – which offers a compelling proposition whereby the product gets better, yet keeps getting cheaper. 

Moving on to Facebook, Scott describes it as “Love”, because ...