NEWS16 May 2017

Lightspeed pushes mobile first approach

Innovations Mobile News North America Trends

US – Lightspeed is offering clients credits for surveys completed using mobile first best practices, with a view to accelerating mobile adoption. 

Lightspeed’s 90 day mobile promotion, which launched yesterday ‘in direct response to the growing need to put the panellist first', allows clients to earn credits with the company by designing surveys of less than 15 minutes and turning on device detection for all devices. 

According to the announcement, Lightspeed believes that ‘there is a growing urgency for companies to design and program surveys that are device agnostic, fully responsive and touchscreen optimised'.

“This is a disruptive time in the industry; mobile is transforming consumer behaviour like never before," said David Shanker, chief executive officer, The Americas. "They want much shorter, well-designed, gamified experiences that engage them in the research process, and capture them in-the-moment.

“Shorter surveys have a direct, positive impact on data quality. Consumers expect their interactions with surveys to be when, where, and how they want; we see the transformation of the mobile experience as a strategic differentiator for our clients.”