NEWS16 May 2016

Nielsen launches mobile game tracking platform

Leisure & Arts Mobile News North America

US — Nielsen has launched an online measurement platform that provides insight into the performance of, and consumer sentiment towards, mobile game titles. 

Mobile Game Tracking (MGT)  surveys a group of 1,200 mobile gamers each week in order to provide developers with information on the market appeal and competitive dynamics of mobile games, segmented by gameplay behaviour, demographics and other key characteristics.

It provides feedback on the resonance of marketing plans, as well as monitoring how consumers become aware of specific titles and whether a game drives recommendations from existing players. 

“In a rapidly changing mobile games market consumer behaviour can often seem elusive and difficult to predict,” said Michael Flamberg, vice president and general manager of Games, Nielsen.

“Nielsen Mobile Game Tracking allows developers to efficiently measure a mobile title’s potential, recognise strengths and weaknesses within the market and to track their improvement over time. It’s an invaluable tool.”