NEWS29 January 2015

Data-driven marketing linked to higher levels of loyalty and engagement

News North America

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US — A new survey with top-level executives has revealed that organisations that are leaders in data-driven marketing report higher levels of customer engagement and market growth than their “laggard” counterparts.

The report, from Forbes Insights and Turn, broke respondents down into four categories along the “data-driven marketing continuum”: leaders; contenders; dabblers; and laggards, based on the extent of their company’s progress towards the goal of a “data-driven culture”.

Those organisations that are seen as leaders in data-driven marketing reported far higher levels of customer engagement and market growth than laggard counterparts: nearly three quarters of leaders said they were seeing increased customer engagement as a result of their efforts, compared with 24% of laggards.

Other key findings from the report, Data Driven and Digitally Savvy: The Rise of the New Marketing Organisation, were a rise in growth and commitment to data-driven marketing and a lack of training and education to develop data-driven marketing skills.

“Data-driven marketing requires changes in organisations — calling for new skills, new processes and new ways of looking at customer relationships,” the report said.

“Marketing is no longer a series of projects and campaigns, it is now an ongoing process of engagement and learning.”

The survey gathered responses from 331 senior US executives in October 2014. 64% of respondents were vice presidents or directors and 28% were C-level executives or senior vice presidents.