NEWS29 October 2014

Brands call for more lifestyle, attitudinal and behavioural insights

Europe News

EUROPE — 73% of brand advertisers would like more consumer lifestyle, attitudinal and behavioural information in online surveys, according to research from IAB Europe.

Insights from The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe’s Metrics and KPIs survey of 700 stakeholders (brand advertisers, agencies and publishers) revealed that 81% of brand advertisers think that knowing the consumer’s position in the purchase decision process is important in delivering relevant brand advertising.

79% of brand advertisers think knowing the consumer’s multi-tasking activities are important in terms of receptivity to advertising; 77% of advertisers think more data about what the consumer is doing online would help attract more brand advertising into digital channels and 73% would like to see the provision of more consumer lifestyle, attitudinal and behavioural information in online surveys.

Full findings can be accessed here.