NEWS12 November 2013

Sumo Insight launches real-time mobile research platform

Technology UK

UK — Sumo insight has launched a real-time mobile market research platform.

Designed specifically for a mobile experience by former Nokia research and strategist Tina Newport and former EE technology marketeer Colin White, Sumo Insight’s platform features “real-time, real-location accuracy for opinion capture”.

White said: “Driving a deeper, stronger and longer-lasting research relationship with respondents, especially in segments such as youth is one of our core goals with Sumo Insight.”

Newport added: “We were frustrated as client-side users of market research at Nokia and EE, where we knew the problems in getting fast/ quality research.

“Not only are we launching one of the industry’s most technically advanced mobile research platforms, we’re moving market research forward in a manner that helps brands engage with consumers, treating market research as a touch point as well as a business service.”