NEWS23 July 2013

Piqora rolls out analytics for image-driven interest networks

Data analytics North America

US — Pinterest analytics firm Piqora – formerly known as Pinfluencer – has expanded its analytics capabilities to include other image-driven, interest-based networks Instagram and Tumblr.

The upgrade to its platform is designed to allow brands to track hashtag activity across the networks through a single dashboard. Tracking #Nike, for example, would identify consumers across all three networks who have explicitly mentioned the brand or related themes, and what images are associated with those mentions.

In addition, Piqora says that it has the ability to identify unique images on Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, a brand’s website or shopping feed, and aggregate overall engagement trends on that image, “helping marketers shape content strategy and gain insight into how to maximise their branding or sales efforts”.

Speaking to Research, Piqora CEO Sharad Verma said: “These visual networks are built around interest and intent. People are participating in these networks in a way that creates data for marketers to drive insight and really learn about their audience, and that influences their offline and display advertising strategy; helps them understand their potential customers better; and helps brands have a more active presence in places where consumers are interacting with their content.”

Click here for the full interview.