NEWS26 June 2013

TNS BMRB wins £17m UK household research contract

New business UK

UK — TNS BMRB has won a £17m contract to deliver the next phase of the largest household research study in the world.

The social research agency been awarded the contract for Understanding Society; the UK Household Longitudinal Study that has followed the lives of people living in 40,000 UK households since 2009.

The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is led by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex and TNS BMRB has been appointed to deliver the next three waves of the programme, during which the work will move to a mixed-mode design incorporating web, face-to-face and telephone interviewing.

The contract is worth around £17m and Understanding Society is the largest social research programme of its kind in the world and provides information that is used to shape government policy and academic research.

Dr Michelle Harrison, CEO of TNS BMRB, said: “This is a unique programme of research, not just in terms of its complexity and scale, but its value to society and the investment that it represents. We are thrilled to be appointed by ISER to deliver this next phase of the programme.”

The ongoing work can be found at the Understanding Society website.