NEWS13 September 2012

Surveys on mobiles ‘double', finds eDigital


UK— The volume of surveys carried out on smartphones and tablets more than doubled between 2011 and 2012, according to eDigital Research’s own numbers.

The firm said that over the course of 12 months, the number of its surveys that were completed by mobile devices rose from 4.2% to 9.2%, and a supporting eDigital survey found that 82% of smartphone and tablet owners said that they expected to take surveys on their mobile devices in the future.

Derek Ecclestone (pictured), the firm’s head of research, said: “Through our device detection technology, we were already seeing a growing number of people accessing our surveys from their mobile devices and therefore decided to take a deeper look at the preferences and expectations of mobile respondents.”

One stat thrown up by the survey was frustration with surveys that rely on third-party software, such as Flash, with 15% of respondents saying they had been disappointed that they were unable to take part in research because they did not have the required plug-ins. This is especially the case with Apple iPhones, which are not compatible with Flash.