NEWS6 October 2011

USamp iPhone app to allow location-based polls

North America Technology

US— Online sample provider uSamp has developed an iPhone app called iPoll to allow its panellists to complete surveys on the go, including those targeted on a user’s current location.

The app is currently in beta but can be downloaded for free in the US App Store – though users have to be registered with uSamp’s Surveyhead panel to start receiving surveys.

USamp president and co-founder Gregg Lavin told Research that iPoll was designed to facilitate both location-based polls and short surveys of approximately 10 questions in length.

“We will never allow for a standard 15-, 20-, 30-minute survey on a mobile device. It just doesn’t work,” Lavin said. “When you think of mobile, you think, ‘Someone only has five minutes out of their day to answer these questions’.”