NEWS29 June 2011

USamp makes Euro push with Normand as MD

People UK

UK— USamp, a US-based online panel and sampling technology company, is moving into Europe with former Ciao and Survey Sampling International director Gaelle Normand at the helm.

The business was launched in 2008 by former GoZing founders Matt Dusig and Gregg Lavin and in that time it has built up a panel of 5.7m respondents, half of which are based in the US. The remainder are split between Europe and Asia Pacific.

Normand says the firm’s respondent pool is strong for the big EU five – the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Panel recruitment is ongoing in those markets, she says, but uSamp is looking to meet demand for Nordic and Benelux panellists too.

USamp’s new London office is staffed by a team of ten, led by Normand who was most recently a senior director of distribution services for healthcare market research specialist P\S\L Group. Prior to that she worked for Survey Sampling International as UK client services director and Ciao’s director of project execution.

As well as respondent access, the firm also provides companies with technology to build and host their own panels.