NEWS8 October 2010

Anametrix and iPost join forces for email campaign measurement

Data analytics North America

US— Business analytics technology firm Anametrix has teamed up with email marketer iPost to offer digital marketers a new measurement service that links email campaigns with offline sales.

Under the agreement iPost’s digital marketers will be able to track campaigns through Anametrix’s dashboard, which correlates data from different media channels such as census demographics and web traffic pattern analysis.

Once the data has gone through the Anametrix dashboard, iPost says it will be able to measure the buzz email marketing campaigns create on social media sites, track online traffic to a company’s website and link to offline sales.

Bart Schaefer, iPost’s CEO said: “Correlating online email marketing efforts with offline results allows marketers, for the first time, to quickly analyse diverse data in a single dashboard interface for deeper targeting and segmentation. Combining iPost’s email marketing solutions with Anametrix’s business analytics technology enables richer and more relevant customer engagement.”