NEWS18 August 2010

Western Wats launches ‘fused’ online sample

North America

US— Fieldwork agency Western Wats has unveiled a new online methodology which it says will give users access to more diverse samples, while giving respondents fewer qualifying questions to answer.

The new {n}fusion sampling methodology combines respondents from Western Wats’ managed online panel with others from the firm’s database of mobile phone users, respondents recruited by phone and via online communities, and respondents recruited through ‘river’ sampling.

Bob Fawson, Western Wats’ VP of online services said: “We designed {n}fusion as a way to reach more respondents, diversify online samples and ultimately treat respondents as a renewable resource. We wanted to be able to provide researchers with respondents who are traditionally unavailable in managed panels.”

The firm also hopes the new methodology will improve respondent goodwill by using pre-qualifying questions, allowing people them to “spend more time sharing their opinions and less time attempting to qualify”.