OPINION16 September 2009

Prince Charles and his faster horse

The limitations and possibilities of research

Prince Charles has recently asked for local residents to have a say in planning permissions for new buildings in the wake of his objections to the Lord Rogers designs for the Chelsea Barracks. He objected to these plans on the basis that they were “unsypathetic and unsuitable” for the area. His idea seems to be to ask local residents in the hope that they would object to ‘new’ designs.

He is probably right in the sense that people often object to new things in research surveys if asked the right (wrong) questions. Henry Ford famously said that if he had asked customers he would have designed a faster horse.

These are the typical faults attributed to market research but seem to me to be not a criticism of research but instead a criticism of bad research. Of course people often ask for more of the same but only if the question is posed in the wrong way.

Ask people if they are proud of the London skyline and wish for a truly international and cutting edge city and they would probably say something different. Look at their motivations for living in London and why they are proud of where they live and I suspect great architecture would feature highly.

So lets not give reactionaries the excuse of research for repeating old designs and products and instead lets focus research on understanding basic human motivations and beliefs. In that way we will be able to inspire new designers (of buildings and products) instead of stifling them. That is what research should aim for.



15 years ago

"So lets not give reactionaries the excuse of research for repeating old designs and products and instead lets focus research on understanding basic human motivations and beliefs." Sounds rousing and inspiring but in the context of urban planning it seems without meaning. What if in fact people _like_ the "traditional" walkable city street? What is more of a "basic human motivation and belief" than the desire to get some exercise by walking around one's neighborhood? You make it sound as if such things are of the past.

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15 years ago

Of course you know he only left school with one "0" Level and the cretin has absolutely NO academic QUALIFICATIONS (NO ,not even in Architecture!) I 'll put it another way Google in POUNDBURY FIRE STATION which just missed winning the 2009 CARBUNCLE CUP . lol

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15 years ago

The reason why people enjoy London is because of the older, more human sustainable buildings, the reasons why London is a lot like other ugly cities in the world, is because of the enormous unsustainable builings that have been forced upon people by developers and mistaken architects. Chelsea style consulation will ensure that this will happen less and less. You can innovate a lot more with actual skills and five stories than you can with even 200 stories of glass and concrete and steel.

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15 years ago

Apologies, but the facts are true. POUNDBURY FIRE STATION just missed winning the 2009 CARBUNCLE CUP for the UK's newest ugliest building.It was designed by the architecturely UNQUALIFIED Prince Charles. II won't say too much about his unusable 'pedestrian' footpaths ,all surfaced in deep loose gravel chippings.Try pushing a buggy loaded with a child and shopping bags through that! ( The displaced gravel chippings are aready pouring into the drains and Poundbury residents talk of flooding this Winter).

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