
NEWS21 February 2013

Warc GMI moves up again, but Euro budgets still squeezed

Asia Pacific Europe Financials Latin America North America UK

GLOBAL — The global marketing outlook looks like it’s continuing to improve as Warc’s Global Marketing Index (GMI) registered its second successive monthly rise in February.

The headline GMI hit 56.2, pushing ever closer to an index score of 60 – which indicates rapid growth in the industry. A score of 50 indicates no change month-on-month.

Each of the three main regions measured by Warc – Asia Pacific, the Americas and Europe – saw rising index scores, although Europe was the least optimistic of the bunch. This was equally true for measures of trading conditions and staffing levels – two of the three main components that make up the headline GMI score.

The third component, maketing budgets, remained below the 50-point mark in Europe, suggesting continuing cuts in budgets. However – as with all others – that particular index score is moving in a positive direction: up 2.6 points to 48.8 in February. Asia Pacific budgets scored 50.3 and those in the Americas scored 55.5.

Warc’s data and journals editor Suzy Young said: “The continued upward trajectory in headline GMI is encouraging. The outlook for global marketing budgets has improved since the start of the year.”



12 years ago

Sorry to be a pedant, but isn't it the second successive rise? The first rise was in December. The first successive rise (i.e. two in a row0 was in January, which makes February the second successive rise.

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12 years ago

You are correct, John – and I have corrected the story. Thanks for pointing out the error.

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