NEWS15 November 2017

Vice Media launches UK youth insights panel

Media Mobile News North America Trends UK Youth

UK – Vice has expanded its survey platform to the UK, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of millennial audiences.

Young people working on a project while drinking coffee and chatting

The Vice Voices panel, run by Kantar-owned data company Lightspeed, was established in June 2017 in the US, where it has undertaken mobile surveys, quick polls, online focus groups and video testimonials.

Focused on the 18- to 34-year-old age group, the panel recruits and manages members from Vice’s readership to conduct audience and behavioural research. 

Brands have long been attempting to adapt their marketing communications and strategies to engage more with millennial audiences. 

Frank Kelly, senior vice-president, global marketing and strategy, said: “Brand strategies must capture a comprehensive view of today’s consumers, and more importantly, the consumers of tomorrow." 

He added that the partnership with Vice allowed the panel to have "a relationship with an engaged group of millennials and capture the opinions of today’s influencers and trendsetters”.

The survey panel will also launch in Australia in the next few months.