NEWS22 June 2016

TNS launches election day voter panel to understand last minute swing

News Public Sector UK

UK — Kantar’s TNS has launched an election day voter panel to better understand the reasons behind a potential last minute swing. 

The panel, consisting of 200 people who intend to vote in Thursday’s EU referendum, will have submitted a video during the last week outlining how they intend to vote in the referendum, and their reasons for it. After casting their vote, they will submit a second video confirming their voting behaviour and explaining the reason for any last minute change. 

Findings from the study will be released at 10pm on Thursday June 23, with a further update at midnight. 

“Last minute swing is a common phenomenon in referendums. We have therefore set up the TNS Election Day Voter Panel to understand any potential last minute swing on Thursday 23rd June," said Dr Michelle Harrison, global head of public affairs at Kantar.

"This will be important additional insight into the issues that have been driving public opinion in the run up to the Referendum. It will help us understand the role of the campaign during the last few day of campaigning.

“This qualitative study will compare how people intended to vote with how they actually voted. If there is a last minute swing it will help us to understand who changed their minds and why.”


1 Comment

9 years ago

Hope TNS plans to check whether their panellists actually voted - in a Harris voters panel for Weekend World in a general election in the 1970s, we checked the marked-up electoral registers at Somerset House post-election - and found a significant percentage of those re-interviewed after the election and claiming to have voted hadn't bothered!

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