NEWS1 March 2023

System1 and ITV name 2022’s most successful advert

FMCG Media News UK

UK – Asda’s Christmas advert was the highest rated of 2022, with a large increase in the number of top ranked advertisements during the year, according to advertising platform System1 and ITV.


Asda’s Have your elf a merry Christmas was rated 5.9 stars – the highest score possible – on System1’s advertising rating scale, which ranks adverts from one to 5.9.

The rest of the top six, all of which also scored 5.9, included adverts from Disney+, Amazon, Aldi, Waitrose and Marks and Spencer, with Christmas advertisements performing particularly well with 21 in the top 50.

Every advertisement in the top 50 score five stars or above in 2022, with typically only 1% of adverts receiving the accolade.

System1 said there was a dramatic rise in emotional engagement in adverts in 2022 and also a “return to normal” as the UK recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Other trends include increased use of cultural references, such as Barbour’s use of Paddington Bear or Asda’s use of Buddy the Elf in its top-ranked advert, and moments of indulgence or joy in advertising.

Jon Evans, chief customer officer at System1, said: “This past year was an exceptional one for effectiveness, especially during the festive season.

“We’re seeing more brands and agencies bring their best creative ideas forward, resulting in ads that deliver on long-term brand building.”

Kate Waters, director of client strategy & planning at ITV, added: “It’s encouraging to see more brands creating more emotionally engaging ads.

“But an interesting lesson from this year’s top 50 is the importance of not resting on your creative laurels – relative advantage versus your competitors is what really matters and that’s where brilliant creativity and craft can make the difference.”