NEWS12 June 2020

Synoptic releases post-lockdown return to work tool

Covid-19 Data analytics News UK

UK – Global software firm Synoptic has launched a data analytics tool to help UK businesses to return to workplaces following the Covid-19 lockdown.

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Synoptic Reactivate will help companies decide when and where it is safe to return to the workplace based on available data and also examine health and safety concerns.

The tool will examine internal and external data to provide insights to help inform decision-making around employees’ working practices during the pandemic. Features include an app that examines how safe a location is to reopen and the economic benefits and drawbacks of reopening.

A health app on the Reactivate tool assesses employee data to determine their suitability for returning to work and any necessary safety precautions required. The service also includes a schedule app to manage the incremental restart for all employees, and a travel app examines their commuting.

Reactivate is modelled on Synoptic’s Critical Care Solution tool that was developed for the NHS.

Graeme Scott, founder and chief executive, Synoptic, said: “By providing businesses with a simple and unified approach, businesses can improve their understanding of the probability of certain risks happening and will be able to better mitigate them and deliver on company missions no matter what the disruption.”