NEWS22 September 2005

Steadman scoops Kenyan audience research contract

TNS-licensed Arbitron PPMs will fuel the Steadman Group’s media research in the country from 2006

The Steadman Group has been awarded a major media research tender in Kenya to provide industry currency audience measurement for radio, television and print. It is believed that five other agencies pitched for the work.

The television and radio research will be conducted using the Arbitron Portable People Meter (PPM) system, licensed by TNS. Steadman will conduct the initial phase of research using media diaries which will be phased out in favour of PPMs from 2006 onwards. It is anticipated that the first wave of research using PPMs will comprise a panel of 400, building up to a panel of 1000 PPMs within four to five years.

George Waititu, Managing Director, Steadman Group said: “The contract is a strategic win for the Group which cements its position as one of Africa’s leading research agencies. The arrangement with TNS to use PPM’s is the first time this technology has been used on the African continent and we are pleased to be able to use this product in a new market.”


1 Comment

15 years ago

Steadman does not provide accurate audience research services in Kenya and East Africa. As a major advertiser the services are too expensive and not reliable, relevant and accurate.

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