NEWS18 July 2011

Nunwood reports first-half sales growth of 13%

Financials UK

UK— Nunwood has reported a 13.4% like-for-like increase in sales for the first half of 2011, which was partly driven by high growth in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

The firm said that revenue for the first six months of the year was £5.9m compared to the same period in 2010. Regional figures were not disclosed but Nunwood said that revenue was up 120% in the US and 362% in Australia and New Zealand.

CEO Clare Bruce (pictured) said: “The first half of 2011 has seen Nunwood increase the the breadth and depth of service provision to partners worldwide, particularly in Asia Pacific and the US.

“Increasing participation in what happens after research underpins these figures. Nunwood is increasingly assisting its partners to communicate their strategies, implement actions and manage knowledge.”

The firm is planning to move to larger offices in London and New York.