NEWS7 March 2018

Nielsen launches audience-based forecast tool

Features Leisure & Arts Media North America

US – Nielsen has launched a tool to forecast linear TV audiences based on advanced segments defined by media owners and buyers.

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The tool will allow media owners and marketers to forecast TV inventory for targeted audiences across nationally measured networks.

Advertisers can define audience segments based on a combination of person-level attributes, including in-store and online credit and debit card transactions and psychographics. In time, consumer packaged goods loyalty card data will also be included.

According to Nielsen, the tool will also offer 80 pre-defined audience segments curated by the Advanced Target Standards Group (ATSG).

The move comes as audience-based buying is gaining traction in the media industry.

Kelly Abcarian, senior vice-president, product leadership, Nielsen, said: "In today’s world of growing content options across devices and platforms, reaching the consumers that matter most is critical for both TV networks and advertisers.

"To keep up with the changing landscape, advanced tools are now required to accurately forecast TV audiences beyond age and gender."