NEWS2 November 2020

News advertising boosts brand trust

News North America Trends

US – Advertising within news coverage helps increase brand trust and return on investment, according to research from media industry body Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

computer tablet on a pile of newspapers

In the report The news trust halo: How advertising in news benefits brands, the IAB said that consumer trust in brands increased because of association with a preferred news source.

Of the consumers surveyed in the IAB research, 84% said they felt advertising within the news either increased trust in a brand or maintained it. Only 16% found brands advertising within the news less trustworthy.

The findings are based on a nationally representative survey of 2,029 US adults aged between 18 and 54 conducted by research firm Magid on behalf of the IAB in September 2020. The research also surveyed 322 executive-level professionals.

The research found that companies that advertise within news coverage are more likely to see increases in positive consumer perceptions of their brand. Consumers are also more inclined to make a purchase from a brand advertised in their preferred news source, according to the IAB research.

Fewer than one in 10 respondents felt sensitive news content would have a negative impact on an advertiser, and a third felt they would trust brands more if they advertised within bad news covered by their preferred news sources.

A plurality of respondents said they would visit a brand’s website ( 45%), search online for the brand ( 45%), consider trying the brand ( 43%) and talk about the brand with others ( 40%) if they saw advertisements within news coverage.

David Cohen, chief executive of IAB, said: “Not only is supporting the news critically important and the right thing to do, it is the smart thing for brands as they look to grow their business.

“News is brand safe, increases brand trust, and drives business results.”