NEWS23 January 2017

NCS names Feigenson as chief revenue officer

News North America People Retail

US — Purchase-based ad targeting and ROAS (return on ad spend) measurement firm Nielsen Catalina Solutions (NCS) has hired former managing director of Nielsen’s digital business, Andrew Feigenson, as chief revenue officer. 

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Feigenson, who was responsible for leading Nielsen’s work with digital media companies, will lead sales and marketing at NCS and report to CEO Matt O'Grady.

"Andrew has a reputation for innovation and entrepreneurial thinking," said O'Grady.

"As the leader of Nielsen’s digital business, Andrew pioneered Digital Ad Ratings, the industry’s new standard for digital audience measurement. His experience makes him uniquely positioned for this role with NCS, as digital media transforms every aspect of the industry we serve."

NCS, which serves the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, integrates in-store purchase data with media exposure data from TV, online, mobile, print, radio and CRM.